Your donation makes a difference !

My donation




I become a faithful friend of SOS Children's Villages Luxembourg.

Why donate?

Children, young people and families are at the heart of our work.

Since 1968, SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg (SOS Children's Village Luxembourg) has been an actor in childcare in Luxembourg and is recognised by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

Our mission is to accompany each child and young person cared for by us as they move towards an independent, responsible and fulfilling future. We support them with structures that we design according to their individual situations and their needs.

My details

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Respect of your privacy

We need your details to send you your tax receipt. Donations of 120 euros or more per year are tax deductible.

The Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf Foundation processes your personal data for the management of donations and prospective activities (calls for donations, invitations, information). To find out more about this processing and your rights, please consult the information notice available at . A request for rectification or deletion of your data may be made in writing to or by telephone. Any other questions may be addressed to the DPO .
For further details concerning our privacy policy :

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

This donation platform is provided by our partner iRaiser.
Adding a voluntary contribution to iRaiser on top of your donation means you enable them to cover some of the costs associated with the platform and thus support more organizations like ours.

Pay by Card

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card

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Your donation
Fondation Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf
CCPL    LU41 1111 0000 6565 0000
BCEE    LU03 0019 1000 2255 9000


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